Novant Health Healthy cancer journey  
  "From the time of discovery through the balance of life, any individual diagnosed with cancer is a 'survivor.'"
- NCCS charter

Bookmark and Share Conquer cancer-related fatigue
By Tara Ballard, manager, cancer survivorship

If you have faced a cancer diagnosis, then it probably comes as no surprise that cancer-related fatigue is the number one side effect reported by cancer survivors. Unlike other types of fatigue that are resolved with rest, cancer-related fatigue follows you around, making you feel weak, drowsy and overall limiting your quality of life. It can be caused by multiple factors: the emotions of diagnosis, treatment, recovery, medications, lack of nutrients, stress and more. Fatigue is something many survivors feel they just have to deal with during or after treatment, but that’s not the case. Here are some common causes, signs, suggestions and resources that are available for your cancer-related fatigue.


  • Women walkingSigns: Difficulty falling asleep, waking up during the night or too early
  • Causes: Anxiety, medications, sleep patterns, medical issues
  • Suggestions: Talk to your physician or a counselor, get some sun exposure (but wear sunscreen), go for a walk


  • Signs: Harder to make decisions, think clearly or do daily activities
  • Causes: Diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty eating/drinking
  • Suggestions: Drink 64 oz. of water, juice, milk or broth daily, and work with a nutritionist if you are having difficulty getting this in


  • Signs: Feeling exhausted or uptight, higher heart rates, digestion issues
  • Causes: Diagnosis itself, treatment, work, life
  • Suggestions: Talk with a counselor, get physically active (it’s true; appropriate exercise can make you feel less tired), try a yoga class or massage


  • Signs: Trouble eating grains, fruits and vegetables
  • Causes: High level of inflammation due to fighting off cancer cells
  • Suggestions: Talk to an oncology nutrition specialist for tips on how to consume 2 1/2 cups of colorful fruits and vegetables each day

Don’t let cancer’s side effects get the best of you. We’re here to connect you to the right programs and resources to help you move beyond the fatigue so that you can focus on survivorship. Call us today! Check out our phone directory in the sidebar, or join us for an upcoming survivorship education class.

Novant Health