Novant Health Healthy lifestyles Novant Health  
  Our facilities, advanced medical treatments and procedures, and our highly qualified staff have distinguished Novant Health as a not-for-profit healthcare leader for the residents of North Carolina.  

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Learn more about programs, classes and events offered through Novant Health.
Ranging from support groups to wellness classes to special events, Novant Health Cancer Care has a wide range of programs and classes designed to meet your needs as you and your loved ones journey through survivorship.

From support groups to pre-diabetes classes and self-management training, Novant Health Diabetes Services has a range of programs and classes designed to meet your needs.

Heart and wellness
Novant Health offers a number of programs and classes to help you live a heart healthy lifestyle or recover from heart or vascular disease.

Pediatric programs and events
Novant Health offers a number of family-friendly educational programs and community events.

Women's services
Novant Health Women’s Health offers health education classes for women of all ages.