Top 10 tips for successful weight loss from our experts
Losing weight is one of the top resolutions people make in the new year. Unfortunately, after a few weeks, many people feel defeated and abandon their goals. We asked Novant Health bariatric surgeons Craig Kolasch, MD, and David Voellinger, MD, to share their top 10 weight-loss tips to help make lasting resolutions.
- Set attainable goals
Quick weight loss is promoted by popular fad diets, so too often people set unrealistic weight-loss goals. It’s important to recognize even a small weight loss of about 5 to 10 percent of your body weight is beneficial. For someone who weighs 180 pounds, that’s about 9 to 18 pounds. When you participate in a weight-loss program with realistic goals, you’re more likely to stick with your plan.
Don’t skip meals. Have healthy snacks accessible
When you skip meals, you are more likely to overeat later or to make unhealthy food choices. In addition, skipping meals can slow down your metabolism, which can disrupt your ability to break down food as quickly. As a result, food is stored as fat.
- Exercise
You can improve your fitness and health by participating in 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 1 hour and 15 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity weekly. Ideally, each activity should be done for at least 10 minutes at a time. Adults should also do strengthening activities, like push-ups, sit-ups and lifting weights, at least twice a week.
Add physical activity to your routine by taking the stairs or parking your car farther away from entrances.
- Drink water and avoid high-sugar juices
Sometimes we mistake thirst for hunger and we eat when we’re really thirsty. Dehydration also slows bodily functions and metabolism. When you haven’t had enough water, your metabolism will slow to conserve energy. Trade in fruit juices for water. Some fruit juices contain as much or even more sugar than soft drinks.
- Eat for nutrition — avoid excessive sugar and fats
Fill half your plate with vegetables and fruits, which are full of vitamins, minerals and fiber. When you fill up on nutritious foods, you will likely reduce the amount of unhealthy foods you consume.
- Control your portions
We’ve become a nation of super-sizers. To help plan your daily caloric intake, you can use helpful free tools like Super Tracker,
- Reduce snacking
It’s easy to lose track of the calories we eat during snacking. Make sure you stick to healthy snacks, but don’t forget to count them in your daily calorie intake. When you do snack, make healthy choices.
- Find other ways to cope with stress, anxiety and depression
Food often serves as a distraction or comfort for many people. Overeating doesn’t help solve problems and can actually cause you to feel worse because of weight gain. Find healthy ways to combat stress, such as walking or talking to a friend.
- Get enough sleep
Lack of sleep can affect hormone levels that help regulate hunger and can cause people to overeat. You should get a minimum of seven hours of sleep each night.
- Commit to a healthier lifestyle
There’s never a perfect time to start a weight-loss plan. If you need encouragement and help to get started, considering speaking with your doctor or a registered dietitian for support.
Click here to learn how Novant Health’s bariatric and weight-loss services may help you be successful in your weight-loss goals |