Novant Health Healthy Lifestyles Novant Health  
  Our facilities, advanced medical treatments and procedures, and our highly qualified staff have distinguished Novant Health as a not-for-profit healthcare leader for the residents of North Carolina.  

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Learn more about programs, classes and events offered through Presbyterian Healthcare.

StrokeSmart seminar and luncheon
May 22, 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

To celebrate National Stroke Awareness Month, Novant Health will host StrokeSmart, an event dedicated to sharing information on all aspects of stroke. Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability in the United States.

The event will be hosted at Levine Senior Center, located at 1050 DeVore Lane in Matthews.

Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from and ask questions of stroke experts during a lunch presentation. The featured topics will be:

  • You are What You Eat: Diet and Stroke
  • What is a Stroke – Signs, Symptoms and Prevention Measures
  • The Road to Recovery – Life After a Stroke

A health fair will precede the formal program. Screenings/information will include:

  • Glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol screenings*
  • Stroke Center information
  • Rehabilitation services information
  • Health library information
  • Heart health information
  • Exercise demonstrations (11 to 11:30 a.m.)

Registration is required to attend this free community event. Call 704-384-CARE (2273) to register. A free boxed lunch will be provided to the first 125 people registered.

*Please fast prior to cholesterol screenings

Ranging from support groups to wellness classes to special events, Novant Health Cancer Care has a wide range of programs and classes designed to meet your needs as you and your loved ones journey through survivorship.

From support groups to pre-diabetes classes and self-management training, Novant Health Diabetes Services has a range of programs and classes designed to meet your needs.

Heart and wellness
Novant Health offers a number of programs and classes to help you live a heart healthy lifestyle or recover from heart or vascular disease.

Pediatric programs and events
Novant Health offers a number of family-friendly educational programs and community events.

Women's services
Novant Health Women’s Health offers health education classes for women of all ages.